No ‘Magic Pill’ for Helping Patients Manage Chronic Illness
This week’s suggested reading takes a look at the changing face of healthcare and examines how patient care has become so decentralized that most patients and members feel lost and alone. While there is no ‘magic pill’ to combat this, the emerging advent of mobile technology is geared to help by being able to communicate with the patient in-the-moment. Understanding how humans relate and react to technology and using that understanding to engage and communicate with them how they want and need to be communicated to is key to improving healthcare. The article goes on to discuss how better engagement and communication is producing happier patients and healthier people.
No ‘Magic Pill’ for Helping Patients Manage Chronic Illness
By Mark Wagar, President, Heritage Medical Systems
Huffington Post – Healthy Living Blog
December 11, 2013
As millions of uninsured Americans prepare to gain health coverage in 2014, and hospitals, providers and medical groups begin pioneering new care models introduced by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the effects of health reform are starting to be felt in every corner and community of the United States. It’s all to achieve the triple aim: improving the health of populations, improving the delivery of patient care, and reducing our nation’s health care spending. But, before we can truly attain these ambitious goals, there is absolutely one thing that must happen: We must revolutionize the way we care for patients. We must focus on patient engagement.
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