BehavioralRx™ The Science of Population Health at D3D
On Tuesday, April 12, 2016, GoMo Health Behavioral Technologist Bob Gold presented the concept of BehavioralRx™:The Science of Population Health to scientists and researchers in a webinar sponsored by the BioPharma Research Council. In the session, Bob discussed BehavioralRx: The Science of Population Health, a methodology that focuses on human behavior and the calculated path necessary to establish a foundational “relationship” to increase reciprocity, or response to calls to action. Bob applied this methodology to the pharmaceutical research and development process in order for pharmaceutical companies to best compete in the new incentive and risk-adjusted reimbursement models for prescription drugs.
Says Gold, “GoMo Health® is excited to share our proprietary BehavioralRx™ methodology in the pharmaceutical research and development space to aid in the advancement of this important process. As a forward-thinking company, GoMo Health is dedicated to advancing healthcare research and development in the Garden State, and this webinar fits perfectly with our goal to be a partner in improved healthcare delivery worldwide.” To that end, earlier this year, GoMo Health® announced its plan to launch a Health and Life Sciences Market Accelerator, formulizing a board of industry experts and thought leaders committed to advancing healthcare developments and adaptation.
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