5 Reasons to Adopt Mobile Technology in Healthcare

By |Published On: February 10th, 2017|

Mobile technology has changed consumer expectation as it relates to seeking and processing information, and the search and delivery of healthcare resources is no different.

Today’s consumer is inundated with health care information and directives that are often perceived as overwhelming and difficult to follow, resulting in decreased compliance and a disengaged, expensive to treat patient population. Non-compliance leads to:

  • Unnecessary readmissions to hospitals.
  • A higher volume of calls and follow up appointments to providers for issues that could have been remotely and/or self-managed.
  • An overall deficit in healthcare delivery, with providers missing out on reimbursements due to an inefficient delivery system that could be augmented with reimbursable transitional care support.

So, what are some of the ways that mobile technology has improved health care? Read below for just five ways the industry is benefiting from investing in mobile technology:

A Smooth Workflow and Increased Joy in Practice

Thanks to mobile devices, quick access to patient information is readily available. Bedside registration, diagnostics, patient requests and tracking can now be relayed in a prompt, efficient manner. This increases “Joy in Practice”, a crucial component of the NIH’s Quadruple Aim, and improving patient satisfaction as requests are directed and serviced in a shorter timeframe.

Better, More Accessible Communication

Secure, real-time communication between the patient and health care provider is possible through mobile devices. And because mobile devices are so common in 2017, it is not a huge ask for patients to use. In fact, a Forbes article states that more than 80% of Americans own and regularly use cell phones. Of those, about half are smartphones.

All Age Groups Use Mobile – Even Seniors

While all patients may not be particularly tech savvy, they do want to learn. Even Seniors! One of our clients likes to recollect a 93-year old patient who was adamant about learning how to access his own electronic medical record (EMR) post-discharge – and was easily trained to do so. Per a  2015 Pew Research Technology Device Owner report, most seniors today do have cell phones and/or email with broadband and internet access, and love to stay connected with family members; 68% of U.S. adults have a smartphone and smartphone ownership is nearing the saturation point with some groups as high as 86%. While not everyone is willing to download an app and take up precious space on their phone, SMS messaging comes equipped on every mobile device and is not exclusive to smartphones.

Increased Medication Adherence

Additionally, a 2016 Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) research report on Mobile Telephone Text Message for Medication Adherence in Chronic Disease, noted that text messaging approximately doubles the odds of medication adherence — translating to improved adherance rates from 50% (assuming this baseline rate in patients with chronic disease) to 67.8%, or an absolute increase of 17.8%.

Population Health

Patients are finding it easier to manage their own health and lifestyle choices thanks to mobile technology. It can capture information about a patient’s physiology, lifestyle and environmental factors and use the information to provide advice to the patient. This results in an overall healthier and more educated population, allowing the public to take control of their own wellbeing.

Using Mobile Technology to Engage: GoMo Health Concierge Care®

Enter GoMo Health Concierge Care, designed using a proprietary science, BehavioralRx™, that considers the emotional triggers that need to be stimulated to yield response to desired actions. Based on cognitive and behavioral methodology, BehavioralRx™ takes a person-centered approach to healthcare delivery, holistically treating the person, not the illness, through personalized interactions and engagements that are delivered to patients in a remote-care environment.

The Concierge Care® suite of solutions supports patients, caregivers and clinical providers for a more streamlined, inclusive delivery of support. These mobile-based solutions offer personalized, step by step directives to patients, simplifying complex clinical protocols into digestible bites of information that are easy to follow and actionable by the average consumer, empowering them to be actively involved in their own continuum of care. Clinical content is coupled with health, wellness, and lifestyle tips and ideas that can be applied to one’s everyday life, keeping people engaged and motivated to live healthier lives.

GoMo Health cultivates mobile solutions for health care providers, plans and facilities that leverage the power of mobile devices, tablets, laptops, and other technology to reach patients or members — in real time — wherever they may be. Ready to reach patients at their fingertips? Experience our Concierge Care Solutions with a free demo. Click the button below to contact us or schedule a demo today.