The Importance of Health Screenings for Early Detection
As the old saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While not prescribing apples by the bushel, healthcare experts have long touted the benefits of taking small actions towards an overall improvement in health. With a focus on population health management, health plans, providers and employers promote health screenings as simple, proactive actions that can lead to impactful results.
As a person ages, maintaining a record of basic, vital health statistics can help detect risk factors that indicate the potential onset of numerous painful, life altering and costly medical conditions, with benefits including:
- Patient education and individual health risk identification,
- Improved patient, member and employee health and wellness,
- Reduced health care costs through proactive care management.
Yet population health management does not stop with the completion of the health screening — ongoing engagement with the population can lead to a healthier quality of life. GoMo Health Concierge Care® nurtures the individual post health screening with the Personal Concierge™, securely collecting patient data and engagement preferences and creating follow up custom communications and support by sending appointment prompts, health management tips and reminders to ensure the pathway to early detection and health management is continuously and properly navigated.
Learn more about how GoMo Health creates opportunities for health care providers and plans through Health Risk Assessments by click here.
To contact GoMo Health about community outreach and to schedule a demo, please complete the form below.
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