GoMo Health Triumphs Again: Celebrating Our Award-Winning Innovations

By |Published On: June 7th, 2024|

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, where the well-being of millions of individuals is a priority, innovative solutions are the cornerstone of progress. GoMo Health, a trailblazer in behavioral-based digital care management programs, has recently been honored with two prestigious awards, each a testament to our commitment to revolutionizing the participant engagement experience. Let’s explore the groundbreaking initiatives behind these accolades and the transformative impact they have on the communities our programs serve. 

2024 IT Hero Vendor Awards  

As information technology (IT) advances and data security threats rise, it has become imperative for healthcare professionals across various roles—clinical, administrative, executive, and IT—to stay up to date with the latest IT trends and tools. This knowledge is important not only for enhancing the quality of care but also for safeguarding organizations and the individuals they serve. Keeping this in mind, the 2024 IT Hero Vendor Award was presented to GoMo Health at the recent “Beyond Boundaries: Exploring IT Opportunities” conference, organized by New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies (NJAMHAA). The conference, which took place at the FEA Conference Center in Monroe Township NJ in early May, offered conference attendees valuable insights into leveraging IT for improved healthcare delivery and security measures. 

The prestigious IT Hero Vendor Award, presented by NJAMHAA, honors GoMo Health for our outstanding contributions to healthcare IT. By bridging the gap between clinical expertise and IT innovation, GoMo Health empowers healthcare organizations to deliver personalized, data-driven solutions that drive positive outcomes. 

2024 Healthcare Ad Awards 

The 41st Annual Healthcare Ad Awards drew an impressive response this year, with over 4,300 entries submitted. A national panel of judges evaluated each entry, considering criteria such as creativity, quality, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design, and overall impact. Gold awards were granted to 506 entries, recognizing their outstanding contributions to healthcare advertising. 

GoMo Health is honored to be among the 2024 Gold Healthcare Ad Award Winners for our exceptional integrated marketing campaign for the New Jersey Integrated Care for Kids (NJ InCK) program. Our team developed and launched a comprehensive, multi-channel campaign to promote the NJ InCK program to benefit the target audience of youth up to age 21 and their caregivers. We engaged them in their familiar life and digital environments using trusted communication channels, and produced a variety of marketing materials including flyers, posters, advertisements, and giveaways. 

More Awards

Celebrating Innovation and Impact at GoMo Health 

At our core, GoMo Health is dedicated to transcending industry boundaries and empowering organizations to deliver unparalleled care experiences. With personalized engagement, behavioral insights, scalable solutions, and a commitment to continuous improvement, GoMo Health is driving transformative change across healthcare and beyond. As we celebrate these accolades, we recognize the profound impact of collaborative innovation in shaping a healthier, more resilient future for all.

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