Care Communications

Engage with Your Patients or Members When It Matters Most

personal concierge for maternal child health

Offer a dynamic approach to patient engagement through personalized content delivery

By creating “conversations” between individuals and their clinical care team, Care Communications are designed to deliver content via text (SMS) or email that can include, links to deep content pages, videos, surveys, or more. Through powerful API integration, Care Communications can even initiate a live chat or telehealth video conferences.

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maternal child health personal concierge

One-Way Push Messaging

 Sent to participants on a predefined schedule, or on-demand, and do not require a response; These messages may include links to additional web-based content, videos, multimedia, or surveys & feedback.

personal concierge

Action Messaging

Action Messages are sent to participants on a predefined schedule and request an “action” or response. These responses may be a yes/no answer or a scale of 1-10 depending on the question. Additional messages may be sent to participants if they do not respond to the original request.

personal concierge

Patient-Initiated Messaging

These messages are requested by the participant on-demand and can deliver specifically requested support based on keyword triggers. For example, a participant could request a joke to make them smile, random healthy recipe, or a music track to improve their mood.

69% of US consumers
appreciate getting texts or emails from healthcare providers.

Source: Kentico Global Survey

Patients that use Care Communications
enjoy the benefits of:

  • Individual influence on outcomes

  • Minimized high-risk behavior and motivated self-activation

  • Immediate, personalized support delivered anywhere, at any time

  • No app to download

Care Communications are right for your organization if your needs include

  • Decreased cost of care delivery by scaling

  • A proactive approach to remote care management

  • Reducing unnecessary hospital readmissions

  • Increased Joy in Practice

Scheduled or on Demand

Created scheduled campaigns and regimens or send messages on demand.

Alerts & Reminders

Send alerts and reminders based on specific goals, variables, or user actions.

Personalization Variables

Ensure every message is personalized to the individual receiving it.

Shortlink Tracking

Use our built-in link shortener for click tracking and engagement measurement.

Personal URLs (PURLs)

Take personalization and engagement tracking with personal URLs

Reporting & Analytics

Collect data on campaign messaging, subscriber databases, interaction, user engagement, and more.

Ready to learn more about Care Communications? Schedule a demo today.