Improving Data Accuracy to Drive Precision Healthcare Delivery
Community Concierge collects patient data and generates reporting to improve coordination of care delivery across current and potential patient populations. As a result, opportunities are created for proactive disease management, readmission reduction, and more cost-effective care.

The science and method of patient engagement is as important to outcomes as the clinical protocols themselves. Using BehavioralRx, a proprietary science, GoMo Health personalizes engagement by leveraging proven cognitive and psychological techniques to stimulate in-the-moment actions.
Capture and Share Data Securely
With Community Concierge, de-identified health risk assessment results can be seamlessly shared with participants and providers, creating more opportunities for in-the-moment patient engagement and increased market share.
Text (SMS) Message
Send your patient or members test and screening results directly to their mobile device via a HIPAA secure link.
Securely deliver test and screening results to a patient or member’s personal email account.
Share community screening results with providers via HL7 compliant secure data transfer.
Integrate with EMR, EHR, HIS and practice management systems via API to obtain real-time data.

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