Download our white paper created in collaboration with Bridgeway Rehabilitation Services, detailing Bridgeway’s Every Day Matters program, its effects on the community, and BehavioralRx®, the science used to implement it. Learn how the program measured a 40.9% increase in participant retention, translating into a $162,529 annual revenue increase.

The Every Day Matters program is a Personal Concierge™ system of patient care that was created for mental health care management and serves as a model for increasing the efficacy and improving the qualitative experience of patients in any health care environment.

As members successfully navigated their behavioral health journey, they agreed to share their success to influence and motivate others. These two short videos featuring members of the Every Day Matters program demonstrate the application and impact of BehavioralRx.

A Story of Courage

Finding Peace

This white paper is a re-release containing complete first year program data and insights. The original white paper, Innovating Mental Healthcare: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Behavioral Health Outcomes was released July 2018.