How is Artificial Intelligence Being Used in Healthcare?

By |Published On: October 1st, 2018|

The healthcare industry is changing. As payment models shift in healthcare, patients are expecting more from their healthcare providers. With an emphasis on patient satisfaction, reimbursements, and Joy in Practice, many healthcare providers are turning to artificial intelligence to streamline their offerings and work smarter.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to any task a computer can perform just as well as, if not better than, humans. Artificial and computer intelligence is predicted to become pervasive by the year 2023 and can be used to benefit patients, providers, and the wider healthcare community. In a recent survey, 54% of healthcare professionals stated that widespread adoption is less than five years away. Furthermore, 37% of respondents said that they already use artificial intelligence in their organization.

When we think of AI, images come to mind of robots making autonomous decisions, which may seem dangerous in healthcare. However, most artificial intelligence solutions for healthcare use human-created algorithms rather than independent computer intelligence. These algorithms can analyze data and recommend treatments for patients.

These algorithmic solutions rely on evidence-based approaches that are pre-programmed by researchers and clinicians. After being programmed, computers can apply known data to a problem. The algorithm can then review things like patient records to determine the best treatment alternatives and recommendations. With the ease and speed that artificial intelligence can perform these tasks, healthcare providers can intervene before health conditions become too advanced, and thus, provide much more effective healthcare.

The possibilities with algorithmic technology seem to be endless. Below are just some of the ways that computer intelligence is being used to assist and ameliorate healthcare in 2018.

Medication Adherence

In a recent study, it was uncovered that inattention or forgetfulness was the top reason for medication non-adherence. AI tools are stepping in to help with this costly issue. Solutions such as Personal Concierge aim to interactively guide patients through their healthcare journey, including prescription adherence. Through devices like smartphones and smart home devices like Amazon Alexa, patients are reminded about the key details of their prescriptions.

Click here to read about Personal Concierge »

Predictive and Preventive Medicine

Medical records are chock full of patient data, but analyzing that data can be time consuming and unreliable. AI learning models have pattern recognition and predictive abilities, which gives providers the tools to scan symptoms, test results, similar diagnoses, past treatment outcomes, and medical research to achieve a level of predictive and preventive medicine.

Wearable Technology

Perhaps the most obvious form of artificial intelligence for health has been in the form of wearable technology. AI paired with the data retrieved from devices like Fitbit, Apple Watch and more can assess changes in aerobic responses. If the latest Apple Watch unveiling is any indication of the trends in wearable technology, these devices will become more and more intelligent to assess and predict trends and risk in the individual.

Like it or not, technology is progressing at a rate fast enough that we are now discussing artificial intelligence in a real way!

Learn more about AI in Healthcare

To learn about the ways that GoMo Health is using artificial intelligence in its customized programs for providers, plans, and pharma companies, contact us today.
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