Video: Prioritizing Provider and Patient Communication
The number one reason that people don’t get better from medication is simple: they didn’t take the medication.
There are certain things that make practicing [medicine] very difficult, and one of them is poor communication. If I say, “Take this prescription and come back in 2 weeks,” what’s missing? I didn’t educate the person on what the prescription is, why they need it, or the side effects.
Concierge Care really goes a long way in looking at the emotional and physical needs of the patient and integrating them with each other. By using this platform, I can communicate with a patient about medication, its side effects, and the reasons why it is important that they take it.
We have seen that for those that use the platform, their cost of medical care was significantly lower than those who do not use it. More important, patients were more activated. In other words, they took better responsibility for their own health care.
I think the cornerstone of medical practice is communication. Concierge Care is a communication tool, and it is a very potent, strong one. When you don’t have a lot of time to communicate with people face-to-face, this tool will amplify your effect.
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