Increased Administrative Burdens, Reduced Reimbursements are Top Concerns Among NJ Physicians
Under the pressure of a changing health care landscape, physicians are feeling increased administrative burdens, reduced reimbursements, and less time to spend with patients. Burdens impact a practice or hospital systems bottom line. GoMo Health’s Concierge Care® solutions are designed to help ease these burdens by leveraging technology, not only to better connect doctors with their patients, but reduce the stress on staff.
Increased Administrative Burdens, Reduced Reimbursements are Top Concerns Among NJ Physicians
Source: New Jersey Business
The vast majority of New Jersey physicians (95.31 percent, up from 89.89 percent in 2014) believe that the changing healthcare environment has negatively impacted their role as a physician, according to a just-released survey conducted by Brach Eichler. According to the 2015 New Jersey Health Care Monitor, of those, more than 39 percent said that they felt an increased administrative burden as a result of the changing environment, while 26.5 percent said reduced reimbursement and 15.6 percent reported reduced time spent with patients were among the most prevalent ways in which their practice had be negatively impacted. More than half of the survey’s respondents (51.6 percent) have an unfavorable or very unfavorable outlook for their medical practice for 2016, as well; this figure is up from just 39.9 percent which held the same view last year for their practice in 2015.
Brach Eichler conducted the statewide annual survey — currently in its fourth year — among physicians, including solo practitioners, members of a group practice or employees of a health care facility, in October and November 2015.
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