Optimus Healthcare Partners

Increasing the medication adherence for patients with diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol

Optimus Healthcare Partners is a leading accountable care organization (ACO) based in New Jersey. Optimus provides the platform for various healthcare providers (primary care physicians, specialists, and hospitals) to work closely together in delivering improved quality, lower costs, and enhanced experiences to Medicare Fee-for-Service patient populations and commercial populations. Optimus partnered with GoMo Health to increase medication adherence for Optimus Medicare patients with diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol who are enrolled with UnitedHealthcare.

Website optimushealthcarepartners.com
GoMo Health Solutions Personal Concierge
Care Companion
Cognitive Techniques BehavioralRx®
Languages English


  • Increase medication adherence
  • Support and educate patients with diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol

  • Improve health outcomes

  • Reduce costly adverse events like unnecessary ED visits and readmissions
  • Involve the patient’s family or caregiver as part of the digital therapy
  • Successfully reach both English and Spanish speaking populations

A medication adherence program for a leading accountable care organization

Patients and caregivers enrolled in the Optimus Concierge Care program receive Care Communications through GoMo Health Personal Concierge as well as access to their own member page, powered by the GoMo Health Care Companion. This Concierge Care medication adherence program was created for Optimus by GoMo Health in collaboration with UnitedHealthcare.

Condition management and education

Depending on their condition(s), patients enrolled receive 2-5 Care Communications™ per week. Messages are delivered via email or text message. Patients also have the opportunity to enroll one or more caregivers into the program.

Optimus Healthcare Partners
medication refill reminders

Medication refill reminders

5 days before a patient’s refill date, a medication refill reminder is sent via a Care Communication to the patient or caregiver. Within the reminder, patients are asked if they are planning on refilling the prescription. If indicated they are not planning to refill, the patient is given the opportunity to tell their doctor why they are not taking the action. Providers then have the opportunity to address the reason for a patient not refilling their prescription, while helping to solve any problems associated with the medication.


Member pages delivered with Care Companion™

Members have access to their own personal “Member Page” where they can access educational material on their specific condition, as well as support in lifestyle or emotional areas. Member pages are personalized by sections or topics that are tailored to their specific condition.

Optimus Healthcare Partners
BehavioralRx® Logo

GoMo Health leveraged its proprietary emerging science, BehavioralRx, the science of precision health, to build the program and determine the engagement strategy, approach, and content delivered.

The following behavioral and cognitive techniques were applied:

  • Influence Technology / Persuasion through shared decision making. 

  • Anchoring Technology / Cognitively connecting a desired action with an existing everyday activity.

  • Reduction Technology / Persuading through simplifying.

  • Tailoring Technology / Persuasion through customization. 

  • Nurturing Technology / Guided persuasion. 

  • Suggestion Technology / Intervening at the right time.

  • Conditioning Technology / Reinforcing target behavior. 

Testimonials & Results

“Optimus ACO and our provider practices are focused on staying in consistent communication with our patient population to ensure, amongst many things, proper medication adherence. The GoMo Health Medication Adherence Telehealth Program interacts in real-time with our patients with chronic conditions, including those reliant on diabetic and cholesterol medication management, to monitor their use, manage refills and discuss complications as they occur. This in-the-moment communication has resulted in an increase in medication compliance and also helps our practices provide proactive care to avoid adverse events.”

John Vigorita,  MD, MHA, President and CEO, Optimus Healthcare Partners, LLC  

With medication reminders, percentage of medication adherence improvement for those who failed adherence the previous year:

more of diabetes orals and insulin users passed
more of cholesterol drug users passed

Learn more about our personalized programs by scheduling a consultation today.