Project Description

LED by Tigger

The Tigger Stavola Foundation is a non-profit based in Monmouth County, NJ founded by a family whose 25-year-old son “Tigger” died due to an accidental opioid overdose. They have courageously decided to honor their son by educating youth on the dangers of drug use with the mission of fighting addiction, spreading awareness, and saving lives through prevention and education. They aim to prevent future generations from the dangers of substance use disorder (SUD) by promoting advocacy and awareness, sharing the inspiring process behind recovery, and educating as many people as possible. 

The LED by Tigger program is designed to engage with 8th through 12th grade students and their parents/caregivers in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, NJ to educate them on SUD prevention. 

GoMo Health Solutions Personal Concierge
Care Companion

Our Goals

  • Provide SUD education, prevention, information, and support
  • Empowering students in healthy decision making through positive reinforcement
  • Maintain participant retention and engagement within program
  • Connect participants with the services and resources most relevant and valuable to them
BehavioralRx® Logo

GoMo Health leveraged its proprietary emerging science, BehavioralRx, the science of precision health, to build the program and determine the engagement strategy, approach and content delivered.

The following behavioral and cognitive techniques were applied:

  • Reduction Technology / Persuading through simplifying.

  • Tailoring Technology / Persuasion through customization.

  • Nurturing Technology / Guided persuasion.

  • Conditioning Technology / Reinforcing target behavior.

  • Environment of Need Technology / Intervening at the right time.

Modern Support for an Enduring Crisis

In today’s world, adolescents (students 10-18 years old) are faced with situations where they need help making good, healthy, safe decisions. This program is designed to help students manage those challenging situations, specifically, those related to the dangers of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, tobacco, and vaping.

All participants receive personalized text messages that provide educational content, tips, resources, and support.

Content Customization and Personalization

Bi-directional messages prompting questions will initiate communication to engage students throughout the school year by using trivia questions and rewards. As students proceed through the program and reply to questions, they will be enticed with incentives like gift cards for continued program engagement.

Making a Positive Impact During Students’ Formative Years

  • 23 schools with students enrolled 

  • 93% of students reported they are more likely to call 911 and stay with someone who’s experiencing an overdose because they were educated on the Good Samaritan law through the Tigger LED program 

  • 78% of students reported they are more likely to call someone for a ride vs. driving themselves or riding with someone under the influence after learning in the Tigger LED program that driving under the influence of marijuana is just as unsafe as driving under the influence of alcohol

  • 85% of students are actively engaged 

  • 99% retention rate

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