
Charles Drew Diabetes

1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year.

There is currently a worldwide epidemic of type 2 diabetes that is predicted to increase substantially in the next few years. A “one size fits all” approach to diabetes treatment, with hit-and-miss protocols, is not as practical as it needs to be. A shift in the paradigm for diabetes care will create personalized treatment plans that help individuals manage their condition.

Concierge Care is right for your organization if your needs include:

  • Physician and nurse joy in practice

  • Reduced costs of care for diabetes patients

  • Improved operating margins

  • A personalized behavioral care model to help diabetes patients manage their condition

  • Maximized revenue through achieved outcome measures

  • A more cost-effective way to scale populations served

BehavioralRx® Logo

A new approach to delivering precision healthcare

Cognitive and behavioral principles of engagement are used to activate patients and members through BehavioralRx®, the science of precision health.  


See our diabetes solutions in action

sleep and health

How can sleep patterns affect diabetes?

When the circadian rhythm is interrupted, the efficiency of insulin can be affected and impact a person’s ability to maintain a proper balance of insulin and blood sugar. Learn how sleep is essential to healthy living, especially for people with diabetes, in our latest White Paper.

Download the White Paper »

Learn how GoMo Health can help improve diabetes outcomes