wellcare of nebraska

Improving healthcare for new mothers and their newborns

New parents often struggle with where to find accurate information about what to expect with their new baby’s arrival. Helping parent(s) to understand early child-development milestones, home-safety, and how to emotionally cope with the needs of a newborn and the responsibilities it brings– and support other household members — is at the core of the Baby’s First program.

WellCare of Nebraska’s Baby’s First program was designed to help improve mother and infant health, reduce Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), and provide resources for those families in need. The program is offered to all mothers in Nebraska with no cost to enroll.

Website WellCare of Nebraska
GoMo Health Solutions Personal Concierge™
Project URL Baby’s First: A Postpartum Program from WellCare Health Plans
Cognitive Techniques BehavioralRx®

Our Goals


  • Mother and baby physical and emotional health

  • Postpartum healthcare education

  • Pediatric vaccine compliance

  • Relationship bonds between members, families, and WellCare

  • Family planning and birth spacing

  • Utilization of WellCare services

  • EPSDT and well-care visits

  • HEDIS scores and Star ratings


  • Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

  • Infant abuse and neglect

  • Costs of healthcare

  • Emergency Department usage

BehavioralRx® Logo

GoMo Health leveraged its proprietary emerging science, BehavioralRx, the science of precision health, to build the program and determine the engagement strategy, approach and content delivered.

The following behavioral and cognitive techniques were applied:

  • Suggestion Technology / Intervening at the right time

  • Conditioning Technology / Reinforcing target behavior

  • Reduction Technology / Persuading through simplifying

  • Tailoring Technology / Persuasion through customization

Baby’s First is a 100% permission-based, opt-in postpartum education program. Specific needs of each subscriber are identified through an initial onboarding survey and ongoing health-related data collection that stratifies subscribers by risk level, delivering content and resources to support them how and when they need it most.

wellcare of nebraska
wellcare of nebraska

The program delivers infant-care communications to mothers until their babies reach 15 months old. Messaging is customized based on the mother’s self-professed need for support and includes links to WellCare-branded GoMo Care Pages™ that deliver deeper content and videos. Moms receive up to six messages per week until the baby is six months old. After that, the mother receives two-three care communications per week for the duration of the program.

wellcare of nebraska

Resources are focused around healthy child-rearing, postpartum and pediatric provider visit and vaccination reminders, education on SBS, calming and coping techniques, healthy-parenting motivation, local support resources, answers from parent surveys, and more.

wellcare of nebraska

“I am a primary care physician and it was great to see this resource for myself, but also to recommend it to my patients. Thank you for this service!”

Program Participant

“An excellent way to keep track of everything baby!”

Program Participant

Cost savings per member per month

For the first year of baby’s life, those who were enrolled in the Baby’s First program had considerably less cost per member per month (PMPM) than those who were not enrolled. All amounts are ROI savings percentages for payers PMPM.

Families enrolled in the Baby’s First program have experienced:

  • Fewer prescription fulfillment costs

  • Fewer emergency room visits

  • A reduced number of hospital admissions

  • Overall lower costs associated with the health of their baby

WellCare of Nebraska

In just over a year, the GoMo Health Baby’s First Program has resulted in a dramatic reduction in the cost of care per member per month. Learn more about how the program has helped medicaid babies in rural Nebraska.