Watch a quick 90-second video about FHI’s “Quit for Kids” smoking cessation program.

Supporting maternal health through technology

Family Health Initiatives (FHI) is an organization committed to helping public agencies and nonprofits better execute their missions through data management and analysis. FHI’s largest scale project, the Perinatal Risk Assessment tool, is used by providers to screen for risk factors that can affect the health of pregnant women.

FHI sought to improve maternal and child health by developing tools that educate and support at-risk individuals. Through the Quit for Kids and Prevent Prematurity NJ programs, FHI engages with participants through personalized, relevant messaging that provides critical information and emotional support.

GoMo Health Solutions Personal Concierge™, GoMo Chat
Cognitive Techniques BehavioralRx®

Our Goals

  • Enhance engagement and advocacy with program participants.

  • Enable participants to chat with FHI specialists in real time.
  • Improve and personalize remote care coordination.

  • Provide personalized messaging from a Virtual Coach with content and advice tailored to the individual.

Select a program to learn more

On-demand support

Members of either Quit for Kids or Prevent Prematurity NJ have access to content that can be delivered to their mobile device in their moments of need. While each program features different keywords specific to the kinds of support members of the program would require, some examples include:

  • MOOD: “Feel good” motivational messaging
  • REFRESH: Comforting words as they relate to dealing with anxiety and urge control
  • SONG: A link to an uplifting song
  • TRIGGER: Support when a participant is feeling “hungry, angry, lonely, tired” to better urges
  • SPIRIT: Lift your inner self
  • HOPE: Message that is hopeful and inspiring
  • SMILE: Message with a joke or quick game
FHI Virtual Coach Poster
BehavioralRx® Logo

GoMo Health leveraged its proprietary emerging science, BehavioralRx, the science of precision health, to build these programs and determine the engagement strategy, approach, and content delivered.

The following behavioral and cognitive techniques were applied:

  • Conditioning Technology / Reinforcing target behavior.

  • Nurturing Technology / Guided persuasion.

  • Environment of Need Technology / Intervening at the right time.

  • Tailoring Technology / Persuasion through customization.

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